
London Christmas Parties

It may be a long time away, but it's never too early to start brainstorming party ideas. London, the nation's lively and bustling capital, provides the ideal setting for themed Christmas parties. Whether you are thinking about going all out and throwing a lavish, no-holds barred exclusive shindig or getting together with other organisations for a shared bash, we can help you get those creating juices flowing. But imagine if all reasonable logic and reason went out the window and you were able to put into practice literally anything you could imagine. Here we outline two outlandish party ideas in London that probably wouldn't even get off the ground in reality!

Outer Space Themed Christmas Parties

The setting for your 2011 Christmas party in London is the Planetarium at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. Your guests arrive into the gravity-deprived, weightless surroundings dressed as spacemen or aliens from another world. Float up to the control centre for welcome drinks before taking a trip around the planets and stars. You will dine on traditional space food, such as freeze-dried turkey and stuffing, with vaccuum-packed Christmas pud to follow. After dinner entertainment would come courtesy of a live band playing theme music from famous movies set in space and guests would be required to enter a decompression chamber before departing the Planetarium and re-entering the real world.

Pre-historic Themed Christmas Parties
London parties don't get much crazier than this pre-historic theme, set of course in the capital's Natural History Museum. Imagine arriving at a party where the hosts are cavemen, handing out Mead to be drunk from stone cups. The dinosaurs would come alive for one night only and guests would feast on delights of the day such as wild boar and pterodactyl. A group of Neanderthals would provide classic tribal post-meal music, with drums made of stone and sticks of bone. Guests would be dressed in imitation animal skins and traditional tribal dress, of course.